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A Singular Fractal Eternity

can you help me find my mind

I think I lost it

where is my mind it is nowhere because

somewhere exists only in relation to somewhere else

my thought is indeed time itself

passing out of thought I pass beyond time

into the realm of the Eternal

into the calm of the changeless reality

the shortest distance between two points

is a line

implying a space between

which leads to the birth of conceptualization

that is the intrinsic nature of thinking

to know thought is to experience duality

Consciousness means connecting the dots

into a sequential pattern

which creates a sense of a continuity of identity

a thread of awareness that becomes our memory

of Who We Are

if the physical world is an imaginary construct

the order we suppose we see

by our own mental fabrication

projected upon the formless world

a conceptual net cast upon this fundamental nothingness

is the most essential and beautiful function of the human mind

a transient emergent phenomenon of this

very same nothingness

the Self arises to know itself two

and then forgets to remember

only to forget again

to awaken once more

to fall again to Sleep upon re-realization

tat tvam asi

the truth is eternal and I am that

wondering who truly I am

is a miracle of deja vu

a question so incomprehensively vast

it boggles the mind

when I look for my thoughts I cannot find them

Where Is My Mind

it is everywhere

distant Echoes of Eternity thoughts are

my thought is indeed time itself

passing out of thought I pass beyond time

into the realm of the great Eternal

into the calm of the changeless reality

the changeless reality behind thought

the brilliant clarity out of which all is

that unmistakably is

this very moment

the only movement that exists

that can exist

there is no past or future for all Time is Now

in thought, in time

Beyond thought the Timeless is

why the deepest insights only out of silence arise

the eternity beyond the temporary

the infinity beyond the change

what am I really doing here

contemplating a geometry to time

so impossibly extraordinary this existence is

if I am this once it is obvious before I have been

and shall be again

not once but perhaps countless many times

a matter of being continuing forever age to age

to rediscover and remember my true union with love

karma is transcended

a world as self and self as world

the realization

can produce only action

harmonious with order Divine

if I were to have a Billion Lives yet to live

before I should Awaken

then be it so

for my debts are zero eventually

as All Souls must come back home to Now

from which fullness Springs from fullness

and emptiness and form

are an Inseparable Unity

a singular fractal Eternity


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I am nothing more than a passing ghost through the dream you call life.


“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

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